It's the Monday after a long holiday weekend, so I thought we'd kick the week off with a nice big n' bold shot of the big stars of the DCU, courtesy everybody's favorite, Jose Luis Garcia Lopez.
Aquaman's kinda tucked in the back, which is too bad, but we do have the rare inclusions of Starfire, Captain Marvel Jr., and Mary Marvel! Shazam!
Oh, and I love the curved cityscape as a design element. As usual, JLGL delivers the goods.
You know, I do believe that JLGL may be my favorite comic artist. His heroes are just so clean, so bright, and so clearly HEROIC. Ahh, anyway, at least Hawkgirl is actually in this picture!
Just WHERE can i get my hands one of those DC style guides? I also agree that García-López is the best superhero artist ever. He makes every hero look good. In fact, I just bought the book "Modern Masters, Vol. 5: J.L. García López". Highly reccomended!
Personally, I love any old 70's/80's stock art that features Aquaman or Firestorm. Love it!
The Irredeemable Shag
Aw the old Super Heroes logo too. Used by both DC and Marvel at the time. A time of glasnost for sure.
Garcia-Lopez rules. Brining the heroes to the people for 30 years!
You know, I do believe that JLGL may be my favorite comic artist. His heroes are just so clean, so bright, and so clearly HEROIC. Ahh, anyway, at least Hawkgirl is actually in this picture!
Not only Hawkgirl, but Wonder Girl as well. How often did SHE ever show up?! BTW, I have a jigsaw puzzle of this picture.
Musta been during Hawkman and Hawkgirl's "separation" in World's Finest…they're flying in opposite directions. . .
Just WHERE can i get my hands one of those DC style guides?
I also agree that García-López is the best superhero artist ever. He makes every hero look good. In fact, I just bought the book "Modern Masters, Vol. 5: J.L. García López". Highly reccomended!
I love this shot of the heroes, and was actually glad to find a T-shirt with this on it at Kohls recently.
I too found a t-shirt at HotTopic with a similar design... A few more super-heroes in it... Was pretty excited when I found it!!
sooo beautiful... any way to see a higher res version?
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