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Monday, May 05, 2008

2nd Aqua Contest!

Welcome to our 2nd AquaShrine Contest!

Our first was so well received I thought we'd try another one, this one a tad more involved but hopefully just as--if not more--engaging.

The beautiful graphic you see at the top of this post is courtesy newest F.O.A.M. member
Martin, who has a whole blog consisting of snazzy wallpapers featuring the stars of the DCU.

Martin sent it to me unsolicited, and I was floored with how sharp it is--while mine is rigid and bifarcated, his is messy and impressionistic. I dig it.

Problem is, I didn't know what do with it, exactly, since I'm simply too attached to the header I made up (that is also on my AquaShrine business cards, letterhead, etc.) to ever get rid of it. Then I got this...
This beauty is from my pal and F.O.A.M. member Ben Holcomb, and is all kinds of awesome in its near 3-D approach to my header. I love the drop shadow.

So after seeing two awesome alternate versions of my header, it hit me--let's see some more!

So the new contest is this--design a new Aquaman Shrine header! The only rules are that it be no bigger than 530 x 290 pixels, and must say The Aquaman Shrine in some form. Other than that, its up to you!

Deadline for entries is Sunday, June 1st. There will be one 1st Place Winner, and the winning header will sit atop the blog for one week. But all submissions will be posted here so everyone's work will have a chance to be seen!

The winner will have their choice of three prizes:

A)A brand-new, MOC DC Universe Aquaman figure, or

B)A brand-new, MOC DC Super Friends Aquaman figure, or

C)A one-year subscription to the DC Comic of your choice

...I figure that the choice of three prizes might inspire the less Aqua-Obsessed readers out there to try and participate. Plus, every comic book-related contest of my youth gave you the opportunity to win a subscription, so I had to throw that in!

Any questions, just email me. Now go forth and be creative, AquaFans!


Adama said...

Oh rob, if only I had any artistic talent whatsoever!

Anonymous said...

Cool! Now if I can just make some time in my schedule of changing diapers...:-)


chunky B said...

sweeeet! My gears are turning...

Rick L. Phillips said...

Well I would love to but I don't have the talent or training to pull it off. As you can tell by my feeble attempts at it on my own site. How can I do what you do with the works of art you create?