Today I'm putting up pics sent to me by F.O.A.M. members of some tantalyzing Aqua-Stuff that will hopefully be on toy shelves near you soon!
The above photo was sent to me by Mark Campbell, who wandered into a Target one day and found all five figures from the second wave of the new DC Universe toy line, which includes the Sea King and his fearsome foe Black Manta. Bah! At my local Target they rarely have any of the first wave! I must have a lot of eBay Power Sellers living in my area.

I don't know when this AquaSub from the DC Super Friends line is planned to come out, but its pretty historic--I think this is the first time since Mego that Aquaman got any kind of accessory item! I know Aquaman doesn't need an AquaSub but I don't care--I'm buying as many of these as I can find.

Thanks guys!
Awesome! The Aqua/Manta figures look great!
As far as the DC Super Friends one...
I stopped in every Target and Wal-Mart between here and North Carolina (that I saw) in October and ever single one was out of the Aqua figure. Must be hard to find. I still haven't.
Those DCU are going to be hard to pass on, too nice.
Awesome! That's the Aqua-figure I've been waiting for all this time. I'm DEFINITELY going to have to track that sucker down. It's the first truly GREAT Aquaman figure DC has put out, in my opinion.
Wow, just wow! I will own that Aquasub!
Here's hoping for a plushie Green Arrow or Martian Manhunter. Hell I'd settle for Firestorm, but he seems even less likely a candidate. As it is, I might have to pick up that Hawkman...
I'm really liking the DCU stuff, it has great sculpts and great playability! Were DC Direct has the great sculpts, nine times out of ten they are just somewhat articulated sculptures, Mattel is doing a great job on the line.
Also I am so getting that Aqua Sub!
I read this again earlier today and got really excited about the Classics line. Unfortunately, my Target only had Batman and Penguin, the only two in the line I'm not interested in. I would like to build a Metamorpho, but I suppose it would be cheaper the buy the missing bits on ebay than to pay for two %10 figures I don't want.
I am so buying those DCU figures!
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